Euratom R&D Programmes on the Back-End of the Fuel Cycle
European Commission, DG Research
EURATOM has been supporting R&D on the back-end of the fuel cycle for several decades. At present, the research activities in this area comprise work on Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) of long-lived radionuclides in nuclear waste and on geological disposal. Societal and public involvement issues associated with waste management and local democracy and governance issues associated principally with site selection are also investigated in the programme. Research projects on the back-end of the fuel cycle are partly funded by the European Commission in the Euratom Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) (1998-2002) and Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) (2002-2006). The R&D activities in FP6 represent a continuation of the FP5 effort in this field, but with larger and fewer projects to improve the co-ordination and the integration of the research community in this area. Nonetheless, in addition to the scientific and technical issues, there are also important strategic and political considerations that will fashion the way future support is provided at the European Union level. This is having an important influence on the planning of the Seventh Euratom Framework Programme.
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